Funding Opportunities for Current Students
Internal Fellowships from Graduate Studies
Each fall, Graduate Studies conducts an Internal Fellowship competition for continuing academic graduate students. This application is used to award fellowship funding for the upcoming academic year. For example, an application submitted in the fall of 2023 is for funding to be paid during the 2024-25 academic year. The funding period for continuing students during the 2024-25 academic year is July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. A "continuing student" is a student who has already been officially admitted to UC Davis, is registered and enrolled in classes during the current academic year, and will be registered and enrolled during the academic year in which the funding will be paid.
To learn more, please see the Graduate Studies website.
Funding offered by SVM
Learn more about Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP), Students Training in Advanced Research (STAR) Program, and more on the School of Veterinary Medicine website.
Other funding opportunities
Teaching Opportunities
TA opportunities are circulated to the ggip student listserv. They can also be found on Handshake.