
Dissertation Requirements

Filing a Ph.D. dissertation with the Office of Graduate Studies is normally the last requirement satisfied by the candidate. The quarterly deadlines for completing this requirement are listed on the Graduate Studies website.  A candidate must be a registered student or on Filing Fee status at the time of filing a dissertation, with the exception of the summer period between the end of the Spring Quarter and the beginning of Fall Quarter.  The Ph.D. Dissertation will be prepared, submitted, and filed according to regulations instituted by the Office of Graduate Studies http://gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/students/filing.html. Satisfaction of this requirement must be verified by the Dissertation Committee Chair. 

Exit Seminar

Plan B requires an Exit Seminar. The Exit Seminar is a formal public presentation of the student’s research before the program faculty and students. This presentation can be arranged with the staff of the graduate group or with the staff of the student’s home department. The exit seminar can be scheduled throughout the year. The Dissertation Committee should not sign the Dissertation until after the exit seminar has taken place. Adequate scheduling of the exit seminar is the responsibility of the student.