Elective Coursework

Students in this Graduate Group have taken advantage of the world class instruction around the UC Davis campus. Beyond the core curriculum, students are encouraged to take elective coursework in order to further bolster their expertise. Here is a list of some of the recommended electives: 

ABG 211 - Animal Biotech Genetics

BCB 210 - Molecular Genetics and Genomics

BCB 256 - Cell and Molecular Biology of Cancer

BCB 257 - Cell Proliferation and Cancer Genes

BIM 254 - Statistical Methods in Genomics

BIT 150 - Applied Bioinformatics

BST 252 - Advanced Topics in Biostatistics

CHA 202 - Research Microanatomy

ENT 153 - Medical Entomology

ENT 214 - Vector-Borne Infectious Disease

EPI 205 - Priciples in Epidemiology

EPI 206 - Epidemiology Study Design

ETX 103A - Environmental Fate of Toxicants

ETX 120 - Aquatic Toxicology

ETX 138 - Legal Aspects of Environmental Toxicology

EVE 100 - Intro to Evolution

GEL 232 - Oceans and Climate

GGG 293 - Seminar in Animal Genetics

IMM 201 - Intro to Immunology

IMM 203 - Cancer Immunology

IMM 210 - Neuroimmunology Topics

IMM 293 - Immunology Concepts

IMM 294 - Clinical Immunology

IMM 297 - Mucosal Immunology

MCB 121 - Advanced Molecular Biology

MCB 182 - Priciples of Genomics

MCP 200L - Animal Cell Culture

MCP 210A - Advanced Physiology

MCP 220 - Physiology of Reproduction

MIC 102 - Introduction to Microbiology

MIC 104L - General Microbiology Lab

MIC 111 - Human Microbiology

MIC 175 - Cancer Biology

MIC 262 - Advanced General Molecular Virology

MIC 275 - Seminar in DNA Replication and Recombination

MIC 276 - Advanced Concepts in DNA Metabolism

MMI 130 - Medical Mycology

MMI 200D - Microbial Interactions

MMI 215 - Medical Parasitology

MMI 280 - Microbiota and Health

MMI 188 - Human Immunology

MPM 205 - Priciples in Epidemiology

NPB 101 - Systemic Physiology

NPB 101D - Systemic Physiology Discussion

NPB 130 - Endocrinology

NPB 134 - General Immunology

NPB 142 - Environmental Endocrinology & Life Cycles

NUT 251 - Nutrition and Immunity

PHR 212 - Epidemiology of Zoonoses

PHR 241 - Topics in Canine Genetics

PHR 266 - Analytic Epidemiology

PMI 127 - Medical Microbiology

PMI 128 - Biology of Animal Viruses

PMI 206 - Mentored Scientific Writing

PMI 214 - Vector-Borne Infectious Disease

PMI 221 - Topic in Virus Research

PMI 283 - Comparative Avian Anatomy and Pathology

PMI 285 - Cellular Basis of Disease

PMI 293A - Seminar Infectious Disease

PTX 201 - Priciples of Pharmacology and Toxicology

PTX 230 - Advanced Topics in Pharmacology Toxicology

PTX 277 - Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer and Disease

VME 158 - Disease Ecology

VME 217 - Eval & Use Diagnostic Tests

VME 225 - Viral Pathogenesis

VME 258 - Disease Ecology

A list of the current campus wide schedule of courses can be found here.